Title:Dark Shadows
Genre:Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Soap
Overview:At Victoria's trial, Trask relates the story of Abigail's death. He says that Victoria did it. Peter gets angry and says there is no proof of that. The judges tell Trask that there is not enough evidence to accuse Victoria of witchcraft. In the goal, Peter asks Vicki if there is anybody who she discussed Abigail with. She names Barnabas (Dead-well not really), Jeremiah (Dead), Natalie (Thinks Victoria is a witch), and Ben (Who won't testify). She then remembers Nathan and Peter gets Nathan to agree to testify for Victoria. At the trial, Victoria is called to the stand. Trask asks her questions, many relating to Abigail's death. He then calls in a new witness- Nathan Forbes! Peter and Victoria are shocked by this. On the stand, Nathan says that Victoria told him how she would like to strike Abigail dead (All lies!). Victoria is horrified. Peter then cross examines him. Nathan then leaves the stand and takes one last look at Victoria before he leaves.
January 01, 1970 Season 0 31 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! June 27, 1966 Season 1 124 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! December 20, 1966 Season 2 64 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! March 21, 1967 Season 3 83 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! July 17, 1967 Season 4 90 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! November 20, 1967 Season 5 93 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! April 01, 1968 Season 6 237 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! March 03, 1969 Season 7 182 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! November 14, 1969 Season 8 92 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! March 30, 1970 Season 9 80 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! July 20, 1970 Season 10 49 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 25, 1970 Season 11 85 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! January 28, 1971 Season 12 46 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!