Genre:Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Overview:Harm discovers evidence that his father, an MIA from the Vietnam War, may be alive and under KGB control in Russia. Harm and Mac are investigating the murder of a Navy pilot whose body was found hidden aboard the decommissioned aircraft carrier the USS Hornet. With help from a local police lieutenant, they discover a motive for the crime, which involves a list of MIAs and POWs supposedly still alive and under KGB control in Russia -- and the list includes Harm's father. But before Harm can act on the information, the book mysteriously disappears along with the helpful police lieutenant.
July 09, 2006 Season 0 17 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1995 Season 1 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! January 03, 1997 Season 2 15 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1997 Season 3 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 22, 1998 Season 4 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 21, 1999 Season 5 25 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! October 03, 2000 Season 6 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 25, 2001 Season 7 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2002 Season 8 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 26, 2003 Season 9 23 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2004 Season 10 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!