Genre:Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Overview:Admiral Chegwidden, Lt. Singer & Cmdr. Turner move over to the Pentagon War Room to easily coordinate & share intelligence information on Kabir Atef's planned attack on the U.S. When an Afghan school is destroyed in a bombing raid, Bud & PO2 Coates fly to the scene to survey the damage. Once there, he promises to the locals that the US will re-build the school. Meanwhile, Harm & Mac are still in Afghanistan attempting to pick up Kabir's trail, still looking for the mysterious truck that disappeared during a raid. ("In Country"). They come under fire, but are unhurt. Once they repair the damage to the vehicle caused by the gunfire, they continue driving all night and find an abandoned truck that appears to be the one they're looking for. They find the driver dead of suspected origin. Continuing onto the next village, they find villagers in the same condition. A medical team is brought in and they determine that the villagers are suffering from radiation poisoning.
July 09, 2006 Season 0 17 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1995 Season 1 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! January 03, 1997 Season 2 15 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1997 Season 3 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 22, 1998 Season 4 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 21, 1999 Season 5 25 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! October 03, 2000 Season 6 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 25, 2001 Season 7 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2002 Season 8 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 26, 2003 Season 9 23 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2004 Season 10 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!