Genre:Drama, Action & Adventure, Crime
Overview:The episode starts with a short recap of where we left off last season: Bud & PO Coates walking along a dirt road enroute to attend the ground-breaking of the new school, when they spot a small boy playing in a field that had yet to be cleared of mines. As Coates runs for help, there is an explosion behind her. She turns in time to see Bud injured in the explosion and runs to his side. Coates insists that Bud must be transported on the helo that brought them in, that Bud won't be able to wait for the proper medevac chopper. Bud is airlifted to a field hospital, critical, but still alive. As luck would have it, ZNN reporter Stuart Dunston just happens to be at the base camp when Bud is brought it. Dunston reports the arrival of an injured JAG officer that was brought it, but does not report the name. Chegwiggen advises Harriet, but reminds her he is still on the Seahawk. She tries to contact him by instant messaging, but does not receive a reply.
July 09, 2006 Season 0 17 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1995 Season 1 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! January 03, 1997 Season 2 15 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 23, 1997 Season 3 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 22, 1998 Season 4 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 21, 1999 Season 5 25 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! October 03, 2000 Season 6 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 25, 2001 Season 7 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2002 Season 8 24 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 26, 2003 Season 9 23 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long! September 24, 2004 Season 10 22 Episodes How to watch?:Please click on the Season List, then select an episode. Wait for the video to load—usually, it doesn't take long!